Arts and Crafts are wonderful activities for children! They allow the children to keep their hands busy and use their imagination and creativity to make a lovely keepsake! These are some of my favourite hands on activities, and they’re all princess themed! Making them perfect for princess fans at princess parties. Enjoy these awesome list of the best princess party craft ideas!
Crown Decorating

Crown decorating is an excellent activity! Party guests have so much fun making and wearing their finished crowns!
Each child starts off with a plain, undecorated crown. Foam, paper and lace crowns work really well, I’ve even seen crowns made from paper plates and they’re so easy to do!
Simply bend a paper plate in half, cut vertically up the middle of the plate, leaving a quarter from the edge, unbend the paper plate and create a + shape in the centre of the paper plate by cutting horizontally across.
Create 8 triangular shapes in the middle by cutting diagonally between the cuts. Finally bend up the triangle pieces and you’re ready to decorate!
There’s so many art and craft supplies that will make their crowns fit for royalty, including crayons, pompoms, ribbon, feathers, and not forgetting my favourite… sequins and rhinestones!
Princess Wands
Little princesses will have a great time creating their very own magical wands! They’re so easy to make and you can design all kinds of enchanting wands!
Use chop sticks or wooden dowels, cardboard from cereal boxes, glue, a cookie cutter as a template, paint pens and things to decorate the wands.
Some decorations that work well include gemstones, sequins, curling ribbon and organza ribbon.
Trace out the cookie cutter shape onto the cardboard, in my experience stars are the most popular shape to use for wands.
For a perfect fit, cut out 2 shapes at a time to use as a front and back. Glue the two pieces together, inserting the chopstick in-between the shapes. You can use some clothes pegs to secure it in place while it dries!
Paint the princess wands in any colour you like! If there are quite a small number of party guests, they can enjoy painting the wands themselves.
Next is my favourite part… Decorating! Time to add some twinkle and sparkle to the wands!
If you’re adding ribbon to the wands, fold in half the pieces of ribbon you’ll use and tie some curling ribbon around it. Then tie the curling ribbon around the chopstick, underneath the shape, you can use glue to hold it in place if needed. Curl the ribbons and you have some sparkly, magical princess wands!
Our resident fairy princess carries a wand that she customised herself! Check out some pictures over on the Fairy Princess page.
Princess Play Dough

My favourite arts and crafts activity is play-doh! You can make all sorts of exciting and interesting creations!
If your play dough model isn’t exactly how you want it, you can just redo bits or start over again! By rolling, squeezing, poking, kneading, and shaping the dough, children strengthen their muscles and learn about co-ordination.
Children love playing with play dough and they can even help make home made play dough by using everyday ingredients.
You’ll need 8 tbsp plain flour, 2 tbsp table salt, 60ml warm water and 1 tbsp vegetable oil.
All you do is mix the salt and flour in a bowl. In a different bowl mix together the oil, water and a few drops of food colouring.
Pour the coloured oil and water mixture into the flour mix and bring together with a spoon. Turn out the dough and knead together on a flour dusted work surface until a smooth, pliable dough is formed.
And there you have it! Home made play dough.
To keep the play dough fresh, store in the fridge in a plastic sandwich bag with the air squeezed out.
For princess play dough, use food colouring and add some glitter, you can add some scents too, like vanilla extract.
Party guests can use princess shaped cookie cutters, such as crown shaped or glass slipper shaped, and beads to decorate their models!
Princess Hairbrush and Mirror
A splendid hands-on activity to keep the party guests busy, is to design their own princess hairbrush! This is perfect for a Rapunzel themed party!
Decorate a simple flat back hairbrush with rhinestones, and add some sequins to make it extra sparkly! Why not add a mirror to go with their decorated hairbrush?
Wooden and plastic hand-held mirrors are a great option. Just add some sparkly stuff to create a matching princess mirror!
Christmas Shop
It’s never too early to start thinking about Christmas. And we’ve just launched our Christmas Shop!
Santa’s Magic Key is the answer to all of your kids questions about Santa’s ability to enter houses without a chimney.
Santa’s Lost Button is a great keepsake for your children! Santa ate too many mince pies and one of his buttons popped off. Now the kids get to find it!
Toilet Tube Castles

A fantastic way to recycle toilet roll tubes is to turn them into castles! You can create lots of small individual castles, or one big magical castle.
Cover the toilet roll tubes in coloured paper or paint them. You will need at least a small cardboard box, like a tissue box, for a big castle.
There are cone shaped cups, which can be used on top of the tubes as turrets, or roll some coloured card into a cone shape and glue them on top. Add some windows and a door, and there you have a basic castle!
Children have a lot of fun creating their very own castle, and they can be as creative as they want with the decoration!
To make a big castle, arrange tubes around the cardboard box and a couple on top of the box.
Add banners, flowers and other small details to create an enchanting palace. Cut a foam core board, or something similar, for the base and then place your castle on top!
Theme the castle, in different shades of light blue and add silver glitter to create Elsa’s Ice Castle!
Lolly Stick Princess

Party guests can make their very own party princess by using lolly sticks, coloured card, glue, felt tip pens, yarn, googly eyes and sparkly decorations!
Pre-cut the coloured card into princess dress shapes and have the party guests glue their chosen princess dress onto their lolly stick!
They can decorate their princess dress to their heart’s content content by using sequins, rhinestones, feathers and glitter!
Turn the top of the lolly stick into a face, or cut out oval shaped heads to stick on the top of the lolly stick. Stick on the googly eyes and draw the mouth, and nose with the felt tip pens. Then add the yarn as hair!
Wait for the princess dolls to dry and the party guests can have loads of fun and adventures with their new princess dolls!
Best Princess Party Craft Ideas
Thanks for reading our post all about the best princess party craft ideas! They’re all so much fun to do and a lot of fun to play with!
We include a themed arts and craft activity in our Sapphire and Diamond Party Packages so take a look if you are planning a princess party soon!
What are some of your favourite princess party craft ideas?